Iowa travels

Iowa travels

Wednesday, November 11, 2015



What a whirlwind these last few years have been. It has been 4 years and 6 months since we picked up our lives in Washington and hit the road for a better opportunity. We have experienced so much in these last 4 years that I don't even think I could summarize half of it in a blog post. There has been so much we have experienced, so much we have sacrificed, and so much time we have lived a different lifestyle than most.. So many memories! 

This first long journey of many has ended with a Journeyman Lineman ticket in his hand!

He has worked so incredibly hard for this day, and it is finally here! Despite all of the nerves he had, he did outstanding on his test scoring a 92. I am so PROUD of him. Never giving up on a dream no matter how far it seemed sometimes or how hard it go. HE DID IT!

This is the moment we have waited for and looked forward to for so many years. The little ticket in his hands is the proof of hard work, dedication, and now freedom! This opens so many opportunities for us and we cannot wait to see where the road takes us.

First things first, Levi will be headed to work tomorrow for his first day as a Journeyman and his last day working in Iowa! He gets to grab his bag of tools and DRAG!

We will spend the rest of the day on Thursday packing up the trailer and tying up all loose ends here and then hit the road early Friday morning headed for sunshine! We plan to roll into California on Sunday and signing the working books in local 47 in southern California on Monday. The next few weeks will be full of new, crazy, and a whole lot of memories.

To end the day today had a great farewell with a line of storms that rolled through here today. It was a perfect farewell storm for Iowa. We have so many memories here, and have really had a great time here, but we are so ready to be saying goodbye to one chapter and hello to our next! 


  1. I can't wait to read your blog while you guys are out in CA! Best of luck!! :)

    1. Thanks, Lena! I hope you stay warm this winter :)
