Iowa travels

Iowa travels

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

3rd Anniversary!

Woah, where did three years go? Well maybe not, but it sure feels like the last three years have flown by, yet it doesn't seem like it has only been three years. Makes sense, right?
This was our first "home" together 2010

Levi and I have been together since a good part of our childhood, I remember talking to a certain someone when I was 12 years old. (Yes I will be locking our children in the trailer until they turn 18, heck maybe even 21!) But what is different about these last 3 years is they have had a purpose. Before we said our vows it was just a relationship, something that we could throw down the drain, stomp on it a few times and it would eventually wash away. It was miniscule to the big picture of things that we had going on in that moment. Levi was trying to figure out what he wanted to do with the rest of his life, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with mine and the big picture all we could see was what our individual future's held. That was until we said our vows. On August 21, 2010 ( It was supposed to be the 22nd representing over 6 years together, but the 22nd was a Sunday, so the 21st had to work) I started the first day of the rest of my life. Well we both did, together. After that day and everyday since then it has been about us, us as a whole, a family that revolves around one another at all times. No more being selfish and thinking of what I want, it's about us together and what is best for our family. We can no longer throw this relationship down the drain if something isn't working, we have to get out the tools and actually fix it. No amount of stomping is going to get this to go away, this is the real deal, we are in it for the long haul!

With that said where are we today? Well, I am no longer providing for our family like I was when we first got married when Levi was still in Line school. I was the one working night shift, picking up other shifts, and trying to work as much as possible to make ends meet. Once Levi finished school he tried to find work. He failed, work is damn hard to find in the Northwest, but he gave it his best shot and went to over 5 interviews hoping to someday get that call. We then lived in our little toy hauler, something like 25 ft with our two dogs, in the yard of the farm house while Levi worked around the farm. I was still a CNA and my hunny was a farmer! Things worked, it wasn't what we envisioned, but it worked. We were happy and content with life with a secret hope that someday Levi would get that job call and our real future could start. After a few months past, the hope of the dream job was slowly diminishing, there wasn't much we could do but just wait and we began asking ourselves if maybe it wasn't for us. Maybe this was the life we were supposed to lead, working on the farm and staying here and raising a family close to friends and family. So that's what we did. We began house shopping and I applied for Midwifery school. Big decisions, but it felt right. And just like that 2 days before we were to sign the papers for our new house Levi got the phone call. And just like that we dropped everything we ever knew and hit the road to this promise of an amazing future, to this job that meant so much to Levi, to a new adventure.

We have been in the Midwest for over 2 years now. I laugh when I say that because it is actually starting to feel like "home." Sure it doesn't have the beautiful mountains we used to go snowmobiling in together, or the Colombia river we spent so many summer's together on the boat, or our friends and family, but Iowa has us now. We are here with our family, and this is our life now. Iowa may not have been our first choice of locations, California was rather high on my list, but truthfully Iowa hasn't been all that bad. We have been forced to rely on one another. Ever gotten in a fight with your significant other and ran to your friend or Mother to cool off some steam? Ya, we don't have that here. We have each other and 400 sq ft. of living space. I tend to get over fights awfully quickly around here :) After all slamming the bedroom door that is 10 ft away from my Husband does not make me feel accomplished, or would running away to the closest gas station clerk who I am sure would just love to know I am fighting with my Husband. So anyways, we get over it. We don't run from problems anymore we work through them. This to me is the biggest and most fortunate part Iowa has been to our marriage. No one is here to help us. We are young, probably still pretty dumb, and we have to do this together!

So now that I have rambled for quite sometime, I will leave saying this. The last 3 years have done nothing but make us grow together as a family. Sue things have changed, a ton, but I can honestly say I love my Husband a lot more than I did three years ago. I am not sure if I just fall in love with him more everyday, or if I actually know how to love him now, either way it is more than it was then!
From small town Washington to big city Iowa, 3 years has been fun. Here's to four and many more to come!
August 21, 2010. We said "I do"

And this is us now. Three years and many memories later!

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